The Simple Things

I hit the photography blog  jackpot. In my quest for new ideas and inspiration I found Shutter Sisters a collaborative blogging project that celebrates woman who have a passion for photography.  The blog was started by the talented Tracey Clark and I am overjoyed to have stumbled upon both of her sites this weekend.
Tracey started a photography project called Best Shot Monday a place to share photos weekly. I am jumping right in today and sharing my contribution. Her theme this week: The Little Details. This morning was filled with little details that are the simple joys in my world:
three day weekend bliss.

sleeping in.
a morning cup of coffee (or two).
an impromptu day off from work by The Calmer. (love him!)

relaxing on the couch with pjs.
These are the little details or simple things in my life right now. What simple things do you have to celebrate?

Published by

Beryl Young

Hi, I'm Beryl of Be Young Creative! I was never a person who carried a camera with me wherever I went. But I fell in love with photography in 2009 as a way to document the exciting time of becoming a mom and rediscover my creative spark along the way. I believe that when you choose the creative path, you discover it’s never too late to change course, find happiness, heal, try more, do less, be bold, get quiet, & cultivate a life of courage and connection. I created the Cultivate Creativity Journal as a way to make space for you in the chaos of daily life and explore what it means to create a life you love.

8 thoughts on “The Simple Things”

  1. Lovely DOF. Now, I'm not a coffee drinker…a chai latte girl, but you almost make me want a sip 😉

  2. I treasure all of the things you mentioned…coffee, resting in my p.j's and the list goes on! Thanks for the inspiration. I love your blog. 🙂

  3. wonderfully tormenting as i had to go into work today with snowflakes swirling and cold cold cold! This is a big “ahhhh…” for me. thanks.

  4. Snow!! Wow. I think we're still a few months away from snow weather here. I am with you the cold is not so much fun, but I bet the snow was still pretty to look at.

  5. I adore your image, we share a love of Starbucks for sure! Thanks so much for your comment on my SS post – dreams absolutely CAN be fulfilled! Xoxo 🙂

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