I took 100 steps again this morning. The rain has finally subsided (it’s been raining since Wednesday) but its still way colder than it should be for an October day in VA.  I am sure I was a sight to behold outside in my hooded sweatshirt (with hood on my head), fleece PJ pants, and gray wool shoes. Hopefully everyone was snuggled inside on their Sunday morning instead of looking out their window at the crazy neighbor snapping photos.
My steps this morning did not take my anywhere spectacular. I walked east down the sidewalk on the street where The Calmer and I reside and step 100 stopped me in the middle of a neighbor’s driveway. I took a 360 degree spin to take in my surroundings. I didn’t really find too many options. cars in the driveway? ick. the sidewalk? blech. the sky? gross on this gray day.
Then I found it.
I only stayed out long enough to snap 1 picture
The irony of finding flowers in a yard when it was 43 degrees outside was amusing to me!
I am enjoying the vintage like cross-processing on this photo. I wouldn’t say I have developed a photography “style” yet per se but I do tend to enjoy the vintage look on a lot of my still subjects. What do you think of this “look”?
Anyone else out there take 100 steps yet? I want to see what you come up with. Leave links to all your 100 steps photos in the comments here.
I’m waiting…(taps foot)