A New Project – 100 Steps

As I’ve mentioned previously, once upon a time I picked up my camera and decided to take a photo a day for an entire year. All was well and good when I started but eventually the passion for the project expired.  Instead of being excited to photograph I’d spend every evening with an impending sense of doom because I had no inspiration for a photo. The evening would end with me scrambling to take a photo of every random knick knack in my house. or my cats. or my dinner. rinse. repeat. It became redundant and boring. So I quit. And I hate being a quitter.

I wasn’t tired of taking pictures. I just didn’t feel like the photo a day project was serving its purpose anymore. So, last week I got online and looked for some new sources of inspiration. I wanted a regular photography assignment but preferably one that wasn’t going to give me an anxiety attack every night!

So I googled.

And I found some GREAT ideas at Photocritic.org – 10 ways to break photographer’s block.

(you totally need to check it out).

I’ve been itching to try a few of the ideas I discovered there.  Finally this morning I woke up and decided, “TODAY IS THE DAY!”  The project starts at home. At your front door. Here is mine. Welcome!

I am very excited to launch this new project, because it’s interesting.

And it’s interactive.

The more people who participate the more exciting it will be.

I promise.

I swear.

So you better play along!

The project is called “100 Steps” and the instructions are this:

1. Get a camera. Any camera will do just fine.  (film. digital. cell phone. point and shoot. DSLR).

2. Start walking. (can you guess how far you’ll be walking?)

3. After 100 steps stop. Right where you are.

4. Take a picture. Take 5. Take 100. But you must take a picture of something right where you are. (don’t cheat!)

5. Upload your photos to a photo sharing site. I enjoy Flickr.

6. Post your comments on the project and a link to your photo here.

My 100 steps today allowed me to start capturing fall. Here are 3 of my favs:

I will be taking my 100 steps weekly. Each time starting from my doorstep. And each time walking in a different direction and capturing something new. I am excited to see where this takes me. And the little intricacies I uncover. I am sitting on pins and needles waiting to see what you come up with. Go get out there. Take 100 steps. I hope you’ll step weekly with me and share here.


