Thank you so much to everyone who entered to win a free spot to the first of what I hope will be many Momtography 101 classes. It is fun for me to see so much excitement around this class and I hope all of you who entered will sign up to take the class in February. Unfortunately there can be only one winner and last night after a random drawing using a winner has been chosen. And the winner is….Megan L.!! I contacted Megan last night to give her the good news and she was soooooo excited because she’s never won anything before. I’ll be featuring a little interview on the blog on Monday with Megan so you can learn a little more about why she wants to take the class.
Until then, registration is open! If you would like to book your spot in Momtography 101 send me an email at and we’ll get you registered. Or, get a husband, family member or friend to email and reserve your space as a last minute holiday gift. Gift certificates are available and space is limited so get your spot reserved soon before they run out!