Baby P.’s mommy and I have been friends for just about 18 years now. We met the first day of 6th grade, we bonded over being the new kids in town and kept each other afloat as we swam through the awkward sea that is middle school. We used to have marathon phone dates, playing MASH to plan our future (anyone remember that game? anyone?), swooning over this week’s crush, and imagining what life would be like when we were “old and had our own kids”. Well looks like that day has arrived (whoa what a thought!). Little did we know back then that we’d still be so close now, still live in our hometown, have husbands that get along swimmingly, AND have babies 8 months apart from one another. MASH couldn’t have planned it any better. Now we’re onto plotting how these two adorable girls are going to be best buds as we all grow older together. Born at a healthy 9lbs 8oz, Baby P. was just 7 days old when I had the opportunity to shoot her session, but she’s already looking so awake – alert – and adorable!