Fall Explosion

Have I mentioned before that I’m impulsive? Like super impulsive.

I found my next lens while surfing Shutter Sisters this week. And I just couldn’t wait to purchase it.

So I didn’t.

Welcome Lensbaby!

And, welcome to fall in Virginia!

Ok ok, I know the above photo is a little wild. It’s a little too wild for my tastes. But I had fun shooting it. So it’s here.

Let me tell you a little about how this shot came to be.

Rewind to lunch on Monday. A co-worker turns to me and says “you’re really into photography right? I have an AMAZING tree in my neighborhood you have to go take a picture of!”

I am immediately intrigued.

The co-worker verbally gives me rudimentary directions.

She assures me I will totally KNOW this tree when I see it, not to worry.

I make a plan.

Next day I go!

I’m not going to lie I felt like some sort of undercover special agent driving to a strangers house to take pictures (pictures of a tree!). As I was driving I started questioning myself.

Should I do this? This is silly! This tree can’t really be THAT amazing, can it? It’s just a tree. And do people really go to take photos of it? The homeowner is going to think I am CRAZY. They are going to call the cops and I’m going to be kicked off the premises!

I did not turn around.

And as I arrived on the street where said tree was supposedly living I started doubting that it even was that spectacular. All the other trees on this road looked terribly ordinary. Your normal greenish yellowy brown trees of fall.

Then I saw it.

There was no mistaking it. THIS was the tree!

An explosion of orange fall beauty!

I parked across the road and took  shots from my rolled down car window. I longed to get out and get close to the vibrant yellow and orange leaves but even I was not that brave. Surely the cops would come after me then! So I remained content trying to capture the perfect shots from the comfort of my parked car. One of my favorite captures highlights the contrast of the orange leaves against the blue early evening sky.

I only stayed about 15 minutes. Snapping. adjusting settings. Snapping. adjusting settings. Snapping. changing lens. Snapping. adjusting settings. You get the idea.

Then a car pulled up. And it turned directly into the tree home’s driveway!

Shooting session over.

As I drove away I was happy.  I left filled with excitement over my new lens, overcoming a fear of shooting the unknown,  and the beauty of the fall season.