Family Friday | Northern VA Newborn Photographer

For those of you itching to see more pictures of our baby girl and our adventures in parenthood, I bring you my new feature: Family Friday! I am going to be devoting a post each and every Friday to our growing family. Brie has turned our world upside down in an awesomely good way. I could just watch her for hours and it amazes me how soundly she sleeps the day away. My Calmer and I often wonder what sweet dreams she is having.

I also want to mention that today is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. We are taking some time today to remember our first baby Bella Rose. She is truly our guardian angel who brought us many blessings throughout the past year. A new photography business, new home, and now our perfectly healthy and happy second baby Brielle Rose. If you or someone you know is also remembering an angel baby today head on over to the I Am The Face movement. They are doing amazing things to educate and promote this day and let those suffering know that they are not alone.