It’s Coming… | Northern VA Photography Class

Today I am excited to announce the newest addition to Be Young Photography – Momtography 101 Classes! As an elementary technology teacher by day I absolutely adore helping students and teachers better their technology skills. I wanted to be able to do the same thing for moms in the area who are looking to better their photography skills! And so, I’m thrilled to introduce…

The first Momtography 101 workshop is scheduled to take place in late February and I’ll be sharing all the details with you on the blog this FRIDAY December 3rd. I’ll be offering special introductory pricing for the first workshop as well as sponsoring a special giveaway during the month of December. Not sure if Momtography 101 is for you? Here is what you can expect from the class:

Momtography 101 is customized for moms in the Washington Metropolitan area with dslr cameras who want to take better photos of their kiddos. Designed for the busy mom on the go, this 3 hour jumpstart course will give you the basics to get that camera out of AUTO mode and working for you in any situation. You’ll leave Momtography 101 with the necessary tools to successfully document the stories of your life from lazy days at home, to sporting events and extracurriculars, to milestone moments not to be missed. Some of the topics we will cover include:

  • 10 Tips for Taking Better Pictures of Your Kids
  • Introduction to Exposure (why are my pictures from outside so bright and why are there so many shadows on faces?)
  • ISO (why are all my pictures from inside the house so grainy?)
  • Shutter Speed (Wow, my baby is on the move and all of my photos are blurry!)
  • Aperture (how can I take pictures when my kitchen is such a mess?!)
  • Using your Camera’s Basic Settings
  • Basic Lens Overview

You will not want to miss the Friday announcement if this class is something you’re interested in. Check back Friday for the rest of the details and to enter the inaugural Momtography 101 special giveaway!