
Today its been 3 months.  If you’ve ever lost a child you know that the pain felt is one you’d never wish upon anyone else. Ever. It changes you. It changed me. After losing Bella the emotional roller coaster ride was scary. it was long.  it was intense.  Actually, I’m still on that ride. I don’t think I’ll ever get off.  But I do know time is on my side. She is the greatest healer. She is helping me find joy, even small bits each day.

The Calmer and I have been looking for ways to remember Bella during this holiday season. A  few sources left a lasting idea. Adopt an angel.  The Salvation Army places Angel Trees in stores throughout the holidays where a person can adopt a child of any age for the holidays and buy them gifts when their families simply do not have the means.

I should be 34 weeks pregnant this week and we should be shopping for our own little one. Instead, yesterday we went shopping for a 1 year old Angel who needs us. Needs holiday joy. Tonight we will be delivering the gifts to the Salvation Army.  And this mitzvah is healing me. bringing me comfort. and joy.