Meet a Momtographer (+ Aspiring Photographer) | Northern VA Photography Lessons

Kerri was originally supposed to be an attendee at the March Momtography 101 class. Then life got in the way (as I am sure it can do juggling a houseful of kiddos!) and she contacted me needing to reschedule for another date. When she discovered the next class would not be until June we explored the option of doing a one-on-one session together and I am so glad she decided to take the plunge! A fellow small business owner herself at With Love Design, she was hoping to expand her design offerings to include photography as well.  She is now diving head first into building her portfolio and is on her way to doing great things with her photography.  Kerri is truly an example of what a little bit of knowledge, a good deal of practice, and a lot of drive, desire, and motivation can produce and I am so excited for you to meet her here on the blog today!

Momtographer and Aspiring Photographer: Kerri G.

Camera: Did my mentoring session using a Canon 50d. But during my mentoring session, while expressing some of my frustrations to Beryl, she suggested I might be able to alleviate some of those frustrations by using a full-frame body. So…a few weeks ago, I upgraded to a Canon 5d Mark II and L-O-V-E it!!

How many kiddos: 3

Age(s): 5, 3 and tomorrow my baby will be ONE!

Tell us a little about what makes your kids tick.What are their interests, hobbies, favorites. What makes them unique?

Tyler (5) is full of energy, like ALL. THE. TIME! This kid starts out the day like a rocket taking off and doesn’t slow down until he crashes. He loves to play and entertains himself very well. (He has one heck of an imagination.) He’s a typical 5-year old boy who thinks that there is nothing more fun that to be playing with cars or blowing up the bad guys! He is very persistent and observant and uses these qualities to his advantage. 🙂 Lucas (3) is completely different. While he is also a ball full of energy, he is more subdued than Tyler. Also very observant, you would never catch him trying to “outsmart” mommy. He’s a pleaser and a nurturer. I almost always hear “I missed you, Mommy” after being away from him (even if only for a few minutes). He is caring and always thinking of others. You will never find him taking the last cookie out of the bag, but rather trying to figure out a way to break it into multiple pieces evenly to share with all of his friends or siblings! Kate (1) is my girly girl. Don’t know yet if she WANTS to be a girly girl, but after spending the first four years of motherhood as a momma to boys, I am SO excited to get to buy pink now, too. 🙂 She is a momma’s girl who LOVES daddy (and her big brothers) dearly. She’s a determined little one and I can see her being a handful for us in the near future as she is determined to do anything that big brothers do!

Tell us what you love most about being a mom.

Hmmm…this is a hard one, b/c I know that this is the job that I was made for. I LOVE being a mom – period. I love the cuddles and snuggles I get from my little ones. I love seeing the satisfaction on their faces when they finally succeed in that task they’ve been trying so hard at (and the satisfaction I feel knowing I helped them achieve that goal). I love butterfly kisses and bear hugs. I love story time and hearing them say “cuddle with me, Momma”. But most of all, I love that I was chosen to be the earthly parent to these wonderful little beings and that I get to experience each and every one of their “firsts” in this crazy adventure called “Life”.

Biggest frustration(s) with your photos pre-mentoring?

Un-sharp photos and noise in my photos.

What was the best tip or trick you learned from our time together that you were able to use right away?

How and where to position my subjects to make the best use of my light, so that I could keep my ISO down to reduce the amount of noise in my photos. And also how to meter correctly, to give my photos the proper exposure.

What is the BEST moment you’ve captured of your kids or family ever on camera. Anything special come to mind?

Well…My name is Kerri and I’m a picture-holic (LOL), so I have SO many pictures that it would be hard to pick one I think. But, one of my all-time favorites is this of my two little guys kissing their little sister on the head at the same time. I mean how lucky did I have to be to actually catch this on camera?

One of Beryl’s elves told us you’ve been following along with her Christmas in July email gifts this month. Anything you care to share about what you’ve learned or the photos you’ve captured?

I especially love the last gift that was sent about having a plan. I’m a huge planner and list-maker (in all aspects of my life), but when it comes to photos, I often find myself picking up the camera and shooting, without really “thinking” about what I’m doing, and in turn missing the shot I was really looking for. So, Gift 7 (making a plan) and Gift 1 (making a list) are two great lessons for me.

Why should other local moms consider attending a Momtography 101 class or a one-on-one mentoring lesson with Beryl?

I was originally slated for the larger group Momtography class (a gift from my husband). But, due to timings and other commitments, I was unable to attend the session I had registered for. When I emailed her to tell her I needed to cancel, she was super understanding and said she could move me to the June session or we could do a one-on-one instead. While it was a little more investment to do the one-on-one, I was super eager to take her class and knew it would benefit me greatly to have some real one-on-one time where I could pick her brain and also have hands on guidance with lighting/posing and manually shooting with my camera. I would HIGHLY recommend her Momtographer class (I got the materials as part of our one-on-one) or a private (or even group) mentoring session. She is so professional, such a photo lover and a wonderful individual too. If you take a Momtography class OR do a mentoring session with her, you will NOT regret it. I cannot even begin to express how grateful I am for the time I spend with Beryl and all of the amazing knowledge she shared with me.

Before mentoring: Left

After mentoring: Right