Only 35 shopping days left until Christmas…

This week I’ve been buried in a pile of photos to edit. It’s a whole lot of  inspriation, learning, stress,  and excitement all rolled into one and I’m loving it. Your comments keep me going, keep me encouraged, and really make me think I can achieve my big dream one day.  Between the two sessions this past weekend, and the two I have coming up this weekend I haven’t had much time to reflect here and share my own thoughts.  But it’s been amazing and encouraging for me to share session photos here and get positive feedback.  I am humbled and awestruck by the fact people are choosing me to record their family memories.

Anyway, I  have lots of ideas for my next few installments of holiday gift inspiration. Today’s gift was not one of the originals. It actually struck me in a moment of sheer panic yesterday.

But it’s fabulous.

And it’s practical.

If you don’t have an external hard drive you should really get one!

Like now.

Don’t wait, or you could end up like me last night.

I was enjoying a relaxing evening. On the couch with the cats and The Calmer nearby. Editing pictures. Then I got this friendly reminder rude interruption:


Meh, no big deal I said, I’ll take care of it in a few days. Then I tried to continue editing. And I got this even friendlier reminder ruder interruption:


(these were not the exact messages but you get the idea).

I needed more space on my computer.


I couldn’t do anything on the computer. programs wouldn’t run and they wouldn’t open. I was completely stuck. And worried if I waited any longer it was only a matter of time before the blue screen of death reared its ugly head on my screen. And then I’d lose all my precious photos. And I wasn’t having that!

So off to Costco we went. And I picked up this HP Terrabyte hard drive for $99. For that amount of storage the price is a steal! (it’s the equivalent of more than 30 ipods that hold 32 GB!!)

The backup went smoothly and seamlessly.  All 7,843 of my photos are safe and sound. And I am a happy camper.

Go make someone in your family and happy camper and get them a hard drive for the holidays!

You might just save someone’s precious photos too.