
The buzz around Shutter Sisters this week has been all about positive self talk. Feeling alive. Feeling empowered. I am trying. I really am.

But sometimes pain and the hurting  just feel right.  So if you don’t mind I am going to mourn for a bit today.

This week I miss her. A lot.

Have you ever gotten that raw mind numbing feeling? Where you’re just going through the motions but not really all quite there. Where every little negative comment or statement seems to set you off into an angry tirade or a bawling mess?  Where your rational mind is thrown out the window?

That’s me this week.

Longing for her. Wishing for the pain to end. Waiting.

Maybe its the weather. It’s been rainy. And gray. The seasons are changing. You can feel it. You can smell it. You can see it.

I feel a lot like the trees this week.




Hopefully the sun comes out soon so I can be lifted out of this funk. It’s been an exhausting week.