Recently my friend and fellow blogger curiousillusion introduced me to the website NaBloPoMo. The acronym stands for National Blog Posting Month and the website encourages bloggers to participate in a month long daily blog fest. Last month was my month for reflecting on gratitude and being thankful for the joys I have in life. Heading in to December NaBloPoMo has announced their theme today and it’s all about giving back. Doing Mitzvah. What is a Mitzvah? Here is the definition:
mitzvah. -[Seph. -vawt; Ashk. -vohs] Show IPA , English. -vahs. Hebrew.
1. any of the collection of 613 commandments or precepts in the Bible and additional ones of rabbinic origin that relate chiefly to the religious and moral conduct of Jews.
2. any good or praiseworthy deed.
This month my goal is to perform a daily mitzvah and share it here each day this month. It can be as large as giving back to the local community or as small as saying a kind word to a person in need of some compassion.
Today’s mitzvah? Committing myself to this month long daily blogging challenge and giving my loyal readers the gift of a post (and a picture) a day for the entire month of December.Â
(not sure if that’s a mitvah or an annoyance but just go with me on this one! hopefully you won’t all be sick of me by the end of this month…)
Is anyone else out there getting into the spirit of giving? What is your mitzvah for the day? the week? the month?
I want to hear it!