Trying Again in 2010?

Many of you who watched me begin my photography journey in March know that my love for this art sparked from something called Project 365. The 365 project is one where you take a photo a day for an entire year and share them via a photo blog, flickr, facebook or other online source.  My interest in the 365 peaked as I saw my friend curiousillusion go from taking good pictures to taking GREAT ones in the span of about 2 months. The term ‘practice makes perfect’ really held true with this project. As you start taking a picture a day you start to see the world through the eye of a camera lens. You learn rather quickly what works with your camera and what doesn’t. And you can go from good to great in a matter of months.

With curiousillusion’s encouragement I started my 365 March 1st 2009. I was incredibly inspired by all the artists I met on flickr, I made some amazing new friends during my journey, and I even inspired 3 friends to take the plunge and start a 365 of their own. I reaped many rewards from this project, but in June during the midst of morning sickness and early pregnancy I just couldn’t keep up and I stopped my 365.

I really regret not sticking it out.  The perfectionist in my wanted a perfect shot every day.  And eventually, as my well of photo inspiration ran dry and the pregnancy took over my body, I gave up.

Now as a new year is about to begin and a fresh start is on the horizon I am on the fence about whether or not I want to pick back up the project I was unable to finish last year. The perfectionist in me is scared that I will once again get wrapped up in taking a superb picture every day and stress myself out to the point of quitting.

But, on the other hand, stepping away from the project last year allowed me to see my final product from quite a different point of view.  I love that I now have a visual diary of my life from March – June of 2009. My memories of this past year are so much more vivid because of those images. I remember the exact day things happened because of those pictures. It doesn’t matter anymore if it was a good or bad shot. For that moment in time it was me. My life. My emotion.

I am still on the fence about whether or not I want to commit myself to a project this big again but I am 99% sure I am going to take the plunge. I surely know if I do it this year I need to do it not for the glory of the perfect shot. I need to do it to record the moments of my life. The little ones and the big ones I can’t get back but can remember through my images.

Anyone else starting a project on Jan. 1 (photography related or not)? Anyone want to take the plunge and start a 365 with me?  I think you’ll find it to be one of the most worthwhile self-exploration projects you’ll ever do finished or not. I know that was the case for me in 2009 and I want to say I reached the finish line this time in 2010.