People are hungry for stories. It’s part of our very being. Storytelling is a form of history, of immortality too. It goes from one generation to another.
~Studs Turkel~
This year I hit a milestone in the aging process. 30. During the same time frame I was blessed with a baby. And my mind all of a sudden was gone. Double whammy. I seriously can’t seem to remember anything anymore. The day of the week, what I ate for breakfast, where I put my keys the night before. What we did last week, last month, last year. I constantly feel like I am in a race with time right now, and time is always winning. All I have to do is blink and and our baby Brie is another month older, is reaching a new milestone, and is becoming a toddler before our very eyes. I don’t ever want to forget any of these precious moments that seem to be slipping away too quickly.
In the same vein, last year, I took a devastating blow after losing Bella. I was in a constant fog. Time and I were in a different kind of race. The days were passing but each one was more grey than the last. Joy was missing and I really didn’t care what day of the week it was, what I ate for breakfast, or where I put my keys the night before. I wanted to forget last week, last month and last year. But at the same time I did want to be heard. I wanted to mourn out loud when everyone else had moved on. I wanted to curse the curve-ball we were thrown and demand my old life back. I wanted to scream out to the world that I was hurting.
No matter the time or place, we each have a story. We yearn for understanding, connection, and a way to remember.
big. little. exciting. mundane. peaceful. bold. brave. fearful. lonely. healing. happy. desperate. loving. thankful. freeing. spirited. curious. frustrating. uncertain. passionate. sad. warm. optimistic. confident. tense. pained. miserable. hopeful. determined. eager. liberating. satisfying. cheerful. wonderful. courageous. calming. tragic. terrifying. fascinating. amazing. inspired.
The stories of our life are what bind us together.
Today I invite you to share your story. Any story. What do you want remembered? Big or little. Exciting or mundane. Tell it. Link it. Share it here.