Wisdom Wednesday | Vision

It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. Henry David Thoreau

If all has gone according to plan today you should be viewing this blog post on the freshly updated be young photography site. If you’ve been following along for awhile you know this is v.4 of my online photography journey. That’s four sites in less than 2 years. Indecisive? Yes. Inspired? definitely. Visionary? without a doubt.

VISION can be a funny thing. I’ve decided of late that it’s impossible to be 20/20.

In my mind, my life was already planned out. school. college. job. marriage. kid(s). stability. retirement. Somewhere along the way I forgot about unpredictability.  That storm cloud up ahead ready to rain out my photo shoot scheduled for the afternoon. Ready to bring on the bad hair day. Soak the cuffs of my jeans and leave a chill in my bones.  Bella was my storm cloud. She was more like a hurricane, quietly building intensity, charting her course toward us, winds whipping around, leaving a path of devastation, and a whole lot of broken dreams.

As the clouds began to part, I placed my camera in hand and saw an opportunity for evolution. The camera that was our first baby gift. The camera I was going to use to learn to shoot like the pros. The camera that would take beautiful pictures of our first daughter. Instead, I used it to show I was emotionally drained. I used it to hide. I used to to create. And I used it to heal.

It was a time for a re-VISION.

What I was looking at during that moment of unpredictability was loneliness. sadness. grief. My camera took the pain I saw and processed it into beauty.  Photography allowed my emotion to be transformed into VISION. A new vision for the present. A new vision for business. A new vision for the future.

Think about the possibilities for unpredictability in your life. Good or bad. Getting married. Starting a new career. The death of a loved one. Car accidents. Surprise parties. Having a child. Losing a child.  All of these events may be a call for your own re-VISION.  We need to learn to be ok with re-VISION in our lives to move past unpredictability, be forward thinking, and process emotion. Think about how you would feel during any one of these unpredictable instances. Dream up your own.

What is your VISION looking like these days? Share in the comments.

The VISION for be young photography has its own unpredictable turns over the past few months.   I hope to be shooting less, teaching more, and inspiring you on your creative journey. The freshly launched be young photography site is only the start of this re-VISION process. New classes, new surprises, and a special launch party are on the way. But if you want in on the celebration you better get on the mailing list by CLICKING HERE.