I absolutely adore little girls, especially my own! (I am a little biased I know). The best part about little girls? The clothes. The shoes. And….the accessories!! When Brie was born one of the first places we frequented for her accessories was UnBOWlievable. The fact that I could find a hair piece customized to match any of her outfits was amazing. We started with headbands, and as she has grown and begun to spout beautiful thick hair we’ve been able to upgrade to velvet clips. When she gets a bit older she’ll be able to retire the velvet and move on to a new kind of clip. But, this presents us with a different problem. What do we do with all of the beautiful newborn headbands she is no longer wearing and probably won’t wear again?
Well…UnBOWlievable is gearing up to launch a new product this fall that aims to fix this problem. A product that allow hair pieces to grow with a child and be used for years and years and years. I’m not allowed to say to much, but I can show you a little sneak peek of a shoot we did this past week modeling their new product. Same bow. Eight Ways. Soft bands. Hard Bands. Velvet Clips. No Velvet Clips. Hair Up. Hair Down. The possibilities are endless. And they will be coming to UnBOWlievable soon.
Oh and I couldn’t resist this one…I little slice of spring to start your Monday off right.