
Today is a post and run kind of night. A night where NaBloPoMo is kicking my butt. I wish I had more energy to share our mitzvah from today. It’s one I’ve been waiting to do for awhile. But it wore me out, left me exhausted, and you’ll just have to wait until tomorrow to hear all about it.


Today its been 3 months.  If you’ve ever lost a child you know that the pain felt is one you’d never wish upon anyone else. Ever. It changes you. It changed me. After losing Bella the emotional roller coaster ride was scary. it was long.  it was intense.  Actually, I’m still on that ride. I don’t think I’ll ever get off.  But I do know time is on my side. She is the greatest healer. She is helping me find joy, even small bits each day.

The Calmer and I have been looking for ways to remember Bella during this holiday season. A  few sources left a lasting idea. Adopt an angel.  The Salvation Army places Angel Trees in stores throughout the holidays where a person can adopt a child of any age for the holidays and buy them gifts when their families simply do not have the means.

I should be 34 weeks pregnant this week and we should be shopping for our own little one. Instead, yesterday we went shopping for a 1 year old Angel who needs us. Needs holiday joy. Tonight we will be delivering the gifts to the Salvation Army.  And this mitzvah is healing me. bringing me comfort. and joy.

Harper's 6 month session

Today I had the awesome job of capturing photos of my friend and coworker Lis and her husband Chris’ awesome little man, Harper.  Harper just turned 6 months old, and oh my goodness he is the cutest little chunker ever!

Happy, smiling, and talkative all morning he made my job too easy.  I definitely was not sure where to begin with picking my favorites to show you from our day together.  I had too many. But one thing is for sure.  It’s easy to tell he loves his mom, dad, and furry siblings. And they all love him too!

We also got Harper dressed in his holiday best and spent a good deal of time gearing up for the holidays, sitting by the Christmas tree, and inspecting the presents. Harper thought the presents were serious business!

Before leaving the whole family went out for some fresh air. I just love Harper’s snow suit. The fur around the hood is too adorable.

Lis and I work at the local elementary school together and she is an amazing teacher, but she has blossomed into an even more amazing mom. (Chris, you’re an amazing dad too!).  I really enjoyed getting a sneak peak into your day and I am so happy you asked me to capture your little guy at 6 months.  I really hope you enjoy your session preview and I’ll be getting the rest to you soon!

Only 11 shopping days until Christmas…

It’s been a busy season this year in our household! I started my holiday shopping months ago, but I am still no where near done. And now it’s a race to the finish. I must admit I am starting to stress. (just a little…)

How are you all doing with your shopping? Are you done yet?

Now that the date is creeping up faster and faster I am going to make a excellent shameless plug suggestion for your holiday gift giving this year.

Why not give the gift of photography by purchasing a Bella Rose Photography gift certificate for your loved ones? Available in $50 increments these babies are valid for up to 1 year after purchase and can be used to for a session booking or for ordering prints.

Who doesn’t want the gift of memories?  The gift that keeps on giving for year to come? And the best part?   The certificates can be ordered via email (with payment through Paypal) and mailed out to you the very next day. Just drop me a line at bellarosephotographs@gmail.com to get your order started. No holiday crowd to mess with, no busy parking lots, no stress!

That’s the way I like it!

Happy Holidays!

Baby Danny Rosenfeld Is Baptised

Some of you may remember little baby Danny from not too long ago. Danny’s mom, dad and I go waaaaaaaaay back (high school days) and when Sharon asked me to be at Danny’s baptism AND asked me to be photographer for the day I was thrilled. Sterling United Methodist Church was where little Danny’s baptism took place and it was beautifully decked out for the Christmas season.

The Rosenfelds are an amazingly talented and musical family. Willis is an awesome pianist and vocalist and Sharon is a beautiful vocalist as well.  It was such a joy to hear Sharon, Willis and the rest of their family, friends, and church community sing their hearts out on this particular Sunday.  The most touching was when mommy Sharon and daddy Willis sang a song to Danny after the actual baptism took place.  Beautifully done and touching.

Can I just tell you how much I love these booties. So cute!

After the service we were all invited to Sharon’s parent’s house for a celebration. A wonderful spread with lovely company and conversation. And of course more loving for the man of honor!  This kid is loved by so many people and it shows in the pictures from Sunday’s festivities.  Thank you for letting me share in your day Sharon, Willis, Danny and the rest of the family. I hope these preview images make you smile. The rest will be on the way soon!

Late Night Rambling

Quick post as this day kicked my butt in every which way. However I hosted a lovely dinner with great friends tonight. Lots of garlic, lots of fresh herbs. Delicious. The dinner and the company I must say was the best part of my day. And I need to thank them, for letting me just be me. And let it all out. They know what I mean.

“You must have confusion in your heart to give birth to stars.” – Nietzsche

The quote above was tweeted by the amazingly talented and awesomely straightforward Danielle LaPorte earlier today.  If you have not heard of her or read her blog I highly suggest you click on over to her right now. She frequently takes words right from my mouth and spits them onto the page in the form of a blog posting. Like this.  So, I am over at her site site often. One day I’ll get my act together, get my inspirations into coherent thoughts, and feel motivated enough to do a fire-starter session with her. I can only imagine the amazingness that would transpire.

One day I hope it will.


More late night inspiration from the tree tonight. It’s been a long week of photo editing for my clients so no lengthy blog post from me today.  But sticking with my NaBloPoMo promise here is my contribution for this 16th day of December.

Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.

~Rabindranath Tagore

Tis the Season

My first gifts are wrapped, under the tree, and ready to give tomorrow to some lovely friends. This is by far the best part of the season!

Giving gifts to those you love the most.

Making them smile.

Making the day a bit brighter.


Pondering how to SOAR

Tonight I have been working on the script for a very important project.  One that could be seriously life changing. I am trying not to get my hopes up, but the SOAR scholarship that the amazing photographer MeRa Koh is jump starting in 2010 is just perfect. 3 women will be empowered to start their own photography business next year and will be given all the tools to do it successfully. Camera equipment and accessories, business coaching, a website, branding, and national exposure.

Amazingness right?

This scholarship is screaming my name. And when I found MeRa’s website on December 4, 2009 I knew I had to apply.  The main requirement for the application? A 2 minute video. About why you deserve to SOAR. I think my story is a pretty compelling one. So I am going to share it.

And oh yeah, the video is due by Monday.

I have been pondering the video month. But as the date sneaks closer, I have been pondering it even more the past few days.

So has Vincent

Tonight was the night.  Come hell or high water (or the 18 inches of snow they have predicted for us in Virginia over the next 24 hours) I was going to finish the script for my video.

I typed, and typed, and typed.

And when I was all done I made The Calmer listen to me and timed me (remember, the video can only be 2 min.)

The script brought me to tears. Both in content and because it was over 3 minutes long.


So I stripped the script. And read it again.


and again


and again


The Calmer was slowly losing his calmness. If he had to pause his DVR one more time to listen to me read I thought he might just scream.  But he didn’t.  We were  pushing 11pm and I thought there was no way I was going to be able to express the emotion I so desired to express, keep the script to 2 min. or under, and finish it this evening. But in a moment of clarity I did it.  And the Calmer patiently and lovingly listened to me one last time.


Tomorrow, is video taping day. The moment of truth. I’m ready to SOAR but I need all the encouragement I can get.  This may go down in history as one of the craziest most embarassing things I’ve done.  Or the most amazing. Only time will tell.  For now, I know that video cameras seriously scare me but I must face my fear tomorrow and try to take flight.

Mitzvah Day 19

“It is our illusions that create the world”

~Didier Cauwelaert~

Some of you may have noticed I have not been posting my daily mitzvahs. Let me assure you I am doing them, it was just seeming so tedious to post them here on a daily basis especially with the amount of client previews and jobs I had this past week.

Today I did a mitzvah just for me. I honored my photography dream. I did my video and I submitted it to MeRa Koh’s SOAR scholarship for 2010. Whether or not I am chosen as one of the 3 final applicants I can definitely say I am proud of what I did today. For having faith and taking this leap.