Tonight I have been working on the script for a very important project. One that could be seriously life changing. I am trying not to get my hopes up, but the SOAR scholarship that the amazing photographer MeRa Koh is jump starting in 2010 is just perfect. 3 women will be empowered to start their own photography business next year and will be given all the tools to do it successfully. Camera equipment and accessories, business coaching, a website, branding, and national exposure.
Amazingness right?
This scholarship is screaming my name. And when I found MeRa’s website on December 4, 2009 I knew I had to apply. The main requirement for the application? A 2 minute video. About why you deserve to SOAR. I think my story is a pretty compelling one. So I am going to share it.
And oh yeah, the video is due by Monday.
I have been pondering the video month. But as the date sneaks closer, I have been pondering it even more the past few days.
So has Vincent
Tonight was the night. Come hell or high water (or the 18 inches of snow they have predicted for us in Virginia over the next 24 hours) I was going to finish the script for my video.
I typed, and typed, and typed.
And when I was all done I made The Calmer listen to me and timed me (remember, the video can only be 2 min.)
The script brought me to tears. Both in content and because it was over 3 minutes long.
So I stripped the script. And read it again.
and again
and again
The Calmer was slowly losing his calmness. If he had to pause his DVR one more time to listen to me read I thought he might just scream. But he didn’t. We were pushing 11pm and I thought there was no way I was going to be able to express the emotion I so desired to express, keep the script to 2 min. or under, and finish it this evening. But in a moment of clarity I did it. And the Calmer patiently and lovingly listened to me one last time.
Tomorrow, is video taping day. The moment of truth. I’m ready to SOAR but I need all the encouragement I can get. This may go down in history as one of the craziest most embarassing things I’ve done. Or the most amazing. Only time will tell. For now, I know that video cameras seriously scare me but I must face my fear tomorrow and try to take flight.